en_US.lang for English) and begin replacing the text with your custom translations. Navigate to the “lang” folder and create a new file with the language code (e.g. If you’re bilingual or multilingual, you can create custom language files to include languages that aren’t available in Minecraft. To create custom sound files, you can use websites like or record sounds using a microphone. Here you can replace the original audio files with your custom sounds. Simply navigate to the “assets” folder and locate the “sounds” and “music” subfolders. Just like textures, sound effects and music can also be edited in your resource pack. There are other ways to create textures too, like through 3D modeling in Blender or manually drawing pixels using software like Aseprite. Using photo editing software, create custom textures to replace the default Minecraft textures. Create a new folder within “assets” and name it your resource pack’s name.

Within the “assets” folder, you’ll find several subfolders containing textures and other assets that can be edited. Once you have your theme in mind, it’s time to start creating custom textures. Take inspiration from other packs or artwork that you admire and use it as a basis for your pack.

Your resource pack can vary from realistic to cartoony and from medieval to sci-fi, it’s all up to your creativity and preferences.

Choosing the Right Programs and Software for Making a Minecraft Resource Pack.Understanding Resource Pack Files and Folders.Getting Started with Resource Pack Creation.